Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Sya (Ayesya) !!!!

-Sya berada di kedudukan paling kiri...-


Happy belated birtday to my coursemate,iaitu Hasyiya @ Sya..Birthday Sya on 9th june..Kami berkongsi tarikh 9 yang sama..

Dengan tibenyer hari lahir itu,maka bertambah la 1 thun lg umur Sya..Dengan pertambahan umur 2,harapnye Sya terus dimurahkan rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan dlm kehidupan..

Lastly,semoga bahagia dgn org yg tersyg..!! Happy belated birthday Sya..=)
Hoping the best for you..!


  1. hohoh..special portion of ur blog 4me..hehe..tq lynee..trharunye..=)..really3x apprcte it!!!

  2. Sya..
    u're most welcome =) xdk pape la sya..
    we r frens,what for being a fren if can't make another fren happy,right?
    hope the best for u =))))
